
Itispossiblethatsomeofthelevelshavebeentweakedandchangedasthegameprogresses.Pleaseletusknowifyounoticeanychangesbycontactingususing ...,Theplayerhasonly20movestofindallbearsinhoney.Ifyoudonotremovethehoneyonthetop,youwilllosealifebeforethislevelwasnerfed.,ThislevelfirstappearedwhenIcePopPoolswasreleased.Therewere10moves.ThislevelwasavailablebeforeLochNomwasreleased.,2020年7月24日—Contests.Game...

Candy Crush Soda

It is possible that some of the levels have been tweaked and changed as the game progresses. Please let us know if you notice any changes by contacting us using ...

Level 451 - Candy Crush Soda Wiki

The player has only 20 moves to find all bears in honey. If you do not remove the honey on the top, you will lose a life before this level was nerfed.

Level 451Versions - Candy Crush Soda Wiki

This level first appeared when Ice Pop Pools was released. There were 10 moves. This level was available before Loch Nom was released.

The highest score on level 451 wins!

2020年7月24日 — Contests. Games › Candy Crush Soda Saga › Contests ... What's happening in Soda in March? ... ( FINISHED) Soda Athletics: The highest score on ...

《Candy Crush Soda Saga》451

2015年8月6日 — 寫在前: 本遊戲是沒有任何所謂攻略的,由於遊戲的糖果是隨機出現而存有很大變數,因此根本沒有什麼既定方法可讓玩家無痛破關;而當中主要玩法不外乎是 ...